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Tame the New Mount Breanna

15:49 Jul 19,2017

League of Angels II is happy to introduce an enchanting new mount: Breanna!

Considered one of the most elusive and exotic magical animals, Breanna the winged unicorn is ready to make its grand debut! Do not fooled by Breanna’s beautiful wings and amiable appearance. Breanna can be more ferocious than most imagine. Preferring the solitude of the elven forests, Breanna rarely shows itself to humans. Will you be the first to tame the mystical unicorns?


Breanna is a Mythic grade Mount that can increase the combat strength of your entire squad by buffing ATK, HIT, and Dodge at the start of the battle. Additionally, Breanna can further boost your attacks and protect you if needed.


Let’s check out Breanna’ skills in detail:


Enchanting Prance: Increase ATK, HIT, and Dodge of the entire squad by 10% for 3 rounds.


Rainbow Magic: When HP is above 50%, increase ATK by 11%; when HP is below 50%, increase DEF by 11%.


Would you like to add this exotic mount to your squad? From July 20th to July 22nd, you can either collect Breanna by recharging certain amount of topaz or exchange Breanna with Book of Hymns, Magic Spring and Night Bloom. Challenge Elite Dungeon and Palace Dungeon to gain more Magic Spring and Night Bloom during this time! This is a good chance to get a new mount at such a big discount! Do not miss it!


Stay tuned for more information coming to League of Angels II.

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