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Restore the Divine Edge to Unlock the Mightiest Power!

18:42 Sep 27,2017

Divine Edge, the supreme Relic of the Angels on Sapphire, was split into three parts: The Divine Eye, Guardian Wings, and Might of Valor. These pieces become mighty relics themselves and were owned by 3 powerful Angels: Isha, Thea and Eureka (the latter two are new Angels coming soon). The Divine Edge has protected the Angels for countless centuries with its celestial power. However, after the Chaos War between the Angels and Avatar of Destruction, the Angel civilization was devastated and their Relics were lost. With the recent awakening of Isha and recovery of the Divine Eye, the Angels are moving to retrieve the remaining 2 Relics. Now the Angels are rallying the strongest warriors on Sapphire to fight the dark forces and restore the Divine Edge. A fierce showdown is looming ahead. 

Divine Edge is a new feature which is divided into 3 parts: Divine Eye, Guardian Wings, and Might of Valor. Players can obtain great attribute bonuses and unlock up to 12 skills for their squad by upgrading these relics. The player’s ultimate goal is restore the Divine Edge to revive its supreme power and wield it as their own! Read on to learn more about the Divine Edge.
Requirement: Lvl. 80 and above
Entry: Find the “Divine Edge” icon at the bottom the game screen.

【Echoes of Fate】

Echoes of Fate is a new dungeon and the primary source for new materials needed to upgrade the Divine Edge.

Entry: Find the “Echoes of Fate” on the middle of the game screen. 
Echoes of Fate will give you the resources needed to upgrade the Divine Edge, such as. There are two challenge modes: Normal and Hard. Players need to clear each chapter on Normal (6 stages total) to unlock Hard mode for that chapter. Players get 10 free Challenge attempts each day and these attempts will reset at 0:00AM. If you have less than 10 attempts remaining at the reset time, your attempts will be restored to 10. If you have more than 10 attempts, your number of attempts will not change. If players run out of attempts, they can use the Fate Challenge Voucher or Diamonds to buy more attempts. Fate Challenge Vouchers can be obtained from the Chapter “EX-FS Supreme City”. Chapter EX-2 and EX-3 are not opened yet and will be available soon. 

Fate Shop

Players can buy certain resources to upgrade the Divine Edge with Treasure Pieces, which can be obtained from each chapter.

Going back to the Divine Edge system, there are 3 ways to upgrade the parts of the Divine Edge: Energize, Level Up, and Enchant. 

Energize is the most crucial part to restoring the Divine Edge. The Divine Eye, Guardian Wings, and Might of Valor each has 8 Phases (12 activate-able Nodes for each) that players must energize. The required materials depend on the relic and can be obtained from Echoes of Fate or the Fate Shop. Each Node activated will add corresponding stat bonuses to all deployed heroes, and each 2 phase activated will unlock a powerful skill for battle.

【Level Up】 
Players can level up the Divine Eye, Guardian Wings, and Might of Valor by using Magic Residue to greatly increase their base attributes and raise the max Enchant star level. Magic Residue can be obtained from the Fate Shop or events. 


Enchant not only increases the base attributes of Divine Eye, Guardian Wings, and Might of Valor, it also increases the level of the skills unlocked through Energize (+1 level for every 10 stars). Players need Storm Ingot and Titan Steel to enchant. Storm Ingot and Titan Steel can also be found in the Fate Shop or events. 

The Divine Edge system is now available in the update 3.07. Play League of Angels II now and start creating your own legend on Sapphire! Stay tuned for more great content coming to League of Angels II!  

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