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AR Experience With the Angels

10:52 Aug 22,2016

We are excited to announce that League ofAngels II attends Gamescom, Europe’s largest gaming convention, starting August17th! The League of Angels II booth at B042-B040 Hall 10.1 has prepared quite a lineup of actvities forthe attendees of Gamescom. Players can try League of Angels II in the demoarea, see live cosplay and performances of the beautiful Angels, interact with special guests, and expect a few surprises as well! The booth will bejam-packed with new things to see and do each day.
One of the biggest highlights of the League of Angels II booth atGamescom is the 3D Augmented Reality area. Stop by andtake a picture with the beautiful virtual Angels of LoA2 using start-of-the-art AR technology!


Since many players cannot go to the site to enjoy the visual feast, we have made a 3D VR app available to all players. This 3D VR app will bring angel alive beforeyour eyes.



How to Use the App?

1.Download the app here: http://fir.im/vwdx
2.Save this trigger picture above to your computer or other display devices.
3.Click Settings -> General -> Device Management.
4.Authorize the app to visit your camera, and photo album.
5.Open the app and aiming your camera at the trigger picture, and then an amazingangel will appear before your eyes. Click LoA2 Logo to take a photo with the angel.

Creative Photos Submission

What photos will you take? Show us your creative photos with this app, and you’refree to share this app with your friends. 10 best photos will be chosen on Aug. 24th and win the following rewards: Refine Stone*100  + Mastery Stone*100 + Gold*1,000,000.

Submit your creative photos here: http://community.gtarcade.com/thread/241851-1-1.html


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