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With the New DLC, League of Angels II Is Entering the “Golden Era”

18:05 Sep 01,2017

The unprecedented “Golden Era” has arrived in League of Angels II, including new Artifact heroes Lulu and Isha, new Artifact suits Ghost Festival and Summer Fantasy, and a new Artifact mount Aviatrix.

The most powerful Artifact hero Isha.

The most powerful Artifact hero of 2017

Isha is one of the original Angels that was present during the Angels' mass exodus from their own world. Wielding the Eye of Heaven, the divine relic of the Angels that was used to revive her, Isha has become one of the most powerful Angels on Sapphire. Now players can add the Artifact Hero Isha to your squad.

Her skill can build up “Ancient Power” from each use. Once enough stacks of Ancient Power have been stored, Isha will trigger her Ultimate skill without consuming any Rage. But that’s not all, Isha also has the ability to implant a Death Seed in enemies after every attack. Once an enemy receives enough Death Seed stacks, it will erupt to deal high percentage-based damage to them.

New fascinating challenges and gameplays

Trial of Valor will be online in September. In Trial of Valor, players will be able to engage in epic PVE & GVE battles that test your overall strength, including equipment, mount, battle pet, relic,and runestones. Only the wisest player can find the perfect balance and claim triumph.

For PVP enthusiasts, they can find equal excitement in the Grand Expedition. Players can participate in this large-scale cross-server Guild PVP mode and prove their strength to the world. 

The Divine Edge, which are wielded by the Artifact heroes, will be released in the future as well. Collect certain resources to upgrade 3 parts of the Divine Edge and finally, restore the Divine Edge, which would greatly boost the Battle Rating for all your squad.

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