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Write Your Own “Winter Sonata”

18:00 Jan 23,2018

The Angels, in a sartorial mood, have designed a whole new costume - Winter Sonata - to bring some wintry colors to your outfit closet. Perfectly fusing snowy white, blue and black, Winter Sonata accentuates the sharpness of the frosty wings and the momentum of the falling snowflakes to convey the winter spirit vividly. What is most special about Winter Sonata is that when you put it on and unleash the skill ”Winter’s Edge” in battle, the mount Frostclaw will be awakened to overpower your enemies! Has this stylish wintry clothing already captured your heart?

Winter Sonata Outfit is an Artifact suit that includes an Outfit and Wings. Collect 1 part to activate 1 skill, and collect 2 to activate both skills.

Suit Skills:
Winter's Edge (Max Level): Deal (518%+19300) DMG to the enemy with the lowest HP percentage and half that damage to surrounding targets; if the target's HP is below 50%, they will also be stunned for 1 turn (this effect ignores immunities).  

Arctic Blast (Max Level): Deal (414%+15440) to the enemy with the lowest HP percentage and reduce their DEF by 15% (this effect ignores immunities); this skill replaces hero's basic attack.

Want to put on this wintry costume to make heads turn? From Jan. 24th to Jan. 28th, join the Carnival event to collect as many Carnival Crowns and Carnival Dances as possible to get your own Winter Sonata.
Enjoy the events and stay tuned for more great content coming to League of Angels II!

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