16:47 Aug 24,2018
Have you ever wondered what the world on the moon looks like? A new battle pet Jade Rabbit from Moon Palace has now come to assist warriors in fighting against the evil forces! Jade Rabbit has lived in Moon Palace for thousands of years, and it knows every detail of the legendary story happened there. Although this little rabbit is inconspicuous in appearance, it is well known for its loyalty and can release great damage to enemies in battle.
Let's see how helpful it is!
Waning Moon:
Deal (288%+10720) ATK DMG to all enemies and reduce their Rage by 100.
Lunar Curse:
Deal (307%+11440) ATK DMG to 3 random enemies, and apply a Lunar Curse that reduces healing effects from skills on targets by 35% for 2 turns.
Take Jade Rabbit into your squad and it will show you how powerful it can be! Participate in the Single-Server Resource Tycoon from Aug 27th to Aug 31st. Accumulate specific Tycoon points and he will be yours! Stay tuned for more great news and events!
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