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New Mount Seadragon Available in Treasure Grab!

10:34 Oct 19,2018

Another beautiful and interesting sea animal shows up in League of Angels II. Seadragon, a rare and giant seahorse, has come to join warriors in fighting against evils. It is said that Seadragon will bring his master good luck and victory at battles. It will be available in Treasure Grab from Oct. 21st to Oct. 23rd. Let's take a closer look at this mount.

Seadragon is an Artifact Grade mount. His unique skill Ocean's Protection and Weakening Tide can apply a buff on the entire squad that gives them chance to resist all damage from attacks and reduce the ATK and Crit of all enemies for 2 rounds, which will greatly help the squad win the fight. 

Ocean's Protection (Max Level)

At the start of the battle, apply a buff on the entire squad that gives them a 29% chance to resist all damage from attacks for 2 rounds (this effect works in conjunction with dodge).

Weakening Tide (Max Level)

. Reduce the ATK and Crit of all enemies by 35% for 2 rounds (this buff cannot be dispelled). . In the first round of the battle, inflict Confuse on the enemy with the highest ATK for 1 round (this effect ignores immunities and cannot be dispelled).

Participate in the upcoming Treasure Grab event from Oct. 21st to Oct. 23rd and you'll get the chance to ride powerful new mount Seadragon! Stay tuned for more great content coming to League of Angels II.

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