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New Mount Dash O’Hare Arrives

10:20 Mar 21,2018

Our new Mount Dash O’Hare can’t wait to celebrate Easter with you!

Dash O’Hare is not just a normal Easter Bunny, he was born with a pair of abnormally large ears which used to bother him a lot. However, after once narrowly escape from the clutches of a hungry eagle, Dash O’Hare found out a good use of his big ears. He used his intelligence and the knowledge about flying-machine, made himself a booster and all the assorted devices, which finally give him the ability to fly. So now, Dash O’Hare is not a dashing bunny in the garden, but a dashing flying mounts who brings powerful buffs for your entire squad! Let’s check out how Dash O’Hare can aid you in your battles to come:

Spitfire (Max): Increase DMG, HIT and END of all allies by 17.5% for 5 rounds.
Air Raid (Max): Increase Crit and Crit DMG by 19.8% and Hit by 26.4%. Also gain 120 Rage each turn. This effect lasts until the end of battle.
Dash O’Hare will be available in the Treasure Grab from Mar. 23rd to Mar. 25th. Don’t miss this special bunny who can bring you the baskets filled with colored eggs, catch him and take a ride around Sapphire! Enjoy the holidays and all the new content in LoA2!

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