15:01 Aug 06,2018
Golden Leaf Carnival is an event newly added to League of Angels II. Golden Leaf can be used to activate special privilege. Let's take a look at the guide, and hope help you know better about this event.
★Each Topaz recharged equals one Golden
Leaf (e.g. Recharge 400 Topaz to obtain 400 Golden Leaves).
★Golden Leaves
are removed at reset, so make sure to spend them on the day you get them.
★To spend Golden Leaves, you must “activate” one or more offers. Activating Offers will not gain Golden Leaves.
Q1: “I want to recharge today but use the offer tomorrow because tomorrow’s events are better, is this possible?”
A:“No problem. Simply activate the offer(s) you want today and use them tomorrow.”
· There is also a free 200 offer. Since this one doesn’t cost Leaves, you can activate it on any of the 2 days of the Privilege activation period and use it on 1 of the 3 days of the duration of the event.
· Using a bonus recharge offer will not give you Topaz· It will also not increase your VIP.
· Using a bonus recharge offer will trigger every corresponding recharge offer available on the day you choose to use it.
Q2: “So it’s basically like I just recharged 200 Topaz for free? Except that I don’t earn Topaz or increase my VIP level, but I get to unlock all the corresponding recharge events and claim all these sweet resources, right?”
A: “Exactly! Enjoy the benefits!”
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