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Update 7.6&7.7 | Accessory System

19:07 Jul 06,2016

Update Scope: All Servers 
Version: V1.1.14.1
Update time: 2016/07/06 (US East Servers from S1 to S28)
                    2016/07/07 (All Servers)

New Features:

1. Accessory System: Craft your desired accessories to gain new passive skills and permanent stat bonuses! Click on the “Squad” icon and select “Clothing” to access the Accessory System. Check out the full notes here -> http://loa2.gtarcade.com/news/6076.html 



1. Optimized X-Server Expedition:
- The event has been extended 2 hours and will run from 5:00PM to 11:00PM
- When a player tries to attack an enemy with 0% energy, a confirmation will pop up to check if the player wants to attack a defeated enemy. 

2. Adjusted X-Server Expedition rewards: Added Mythic Hero Shards, Outfit Crystal, and more.

Next X-Server Expedition will be on July 11th. Get ready to fight with your guild members!


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