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Who Will Win? Euro Cup Celebration!

20:33 Jun 30,2016


To celebrate the UEFA Euro Cup, from July 1st to July 10th, before each match, players can buy Emblems for the competing teams. After the match as ended, players can exchange their Emblems for items and resources at great discounts . Emblems of the winner of each match can be exchanged for items at 60% discount, while Emblems of the defeated can still exchange for items but at 20% discount.

Here is the match schedule of the EURO Cup 2016, guess the wining team and win more discounts!

Poland vs Portugal (2016-6-30 15:00 EST)
Welsh vs Belgium (2016-7-1 15:00 EST)
Germany vs Italy (2016-7-2 15:00 EST)

France vs Iceland (2016-7-3 15:00 EST)

Portugal vs Wales (2016-7-6 15:00 EST)

Germany vs France (2016-7-7 15:00 EST)

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