08:00 Feb 25,2017
Often, achieving victory in a battle is not just dependent on your Battle Rating. Of course BR matters, but don’t ignore the importance of matching a correct Battle Pet for your heroes. Moira and Pamela are currently the two most popular heroes, so we will focus on their Battle Pet options.
Pamela is known as the hero assassin, being the queen of single target damage. While Moira is good at killing multiple weaker heroes. As long as the enemy doesn’t have 2 highly upgraded burst damage heroes, generally Moira’s ultimate skill can kill 3 enemy heroes right from the start, breaking the enemy’s formation. But afterwards she loses steam and can lose to Pamela.
Note: Pamela’s Battle Pet’s Agility should not exceed that of the enemy’s Battle Pet. If your opponent takes Moira and Pixie, and your Battle Pet has more Agility, then your Pet will be unable to help you focus her damage. That’s because your Battle pet will attack all the enemy targets first, but then Pixie will heal them back to full HP. In this case your Pamela will still keep attacking the first hero.
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